Monday, February 20, 2006

A bit O' Sadness...

I did not get the super cool job at the school north of Boston. It would have been super neat, but I would have had to really hustle to get my work done. Now I have a whole year to get my diss written and send some chapters out for publishing.

A funny thing about my committee...They all agreed that I need to spend MORE time talking to myself.

It kinda makes sense. They said that I was much more adept at teaching my dissertation than i was at communicating it in written form. So they have recommended a combination of me talking with my micro-cassette recorder and getting together with them to just talk about my project, while recording our conversation.

Anyway, just wanted to touch base. For those who are counting, I have picked up another job. So I now kinda have 4 jobs...eeek. It will be ok...Just remember "Don't Sleep...the Clown will eat me."


Lara said...

Sorry about the job.... something better will come along. Get a baby instead. ;)

Cygnet said...

You and my wife both. Are you ganging up on me?

Brandon said...

Stay strong, Steve. Nobody needs babies.


Cygnet said...

But I like babies. I just also like finishing my dissertation. One of these will suck money out of my pocket and the other has the potential to give me lots of money.

Now to figure out which is which

Brandon said...

It all depends how good your genes are.